Saturday, August 17, 2013

Calling in hospice

Making the decision to call hospice for end of life/palliative care is one that no parent should ever have to make. Calvin's doctors at the hospital recommended that we call them several times, but I fought it for a couple months because I couldn't bring myself to make that phone admit defeat. I felt as though making that phone call would mean that I was giving up on my baby, which I will never do. However, over the months I have watched him deteriorate and I had gotten to a point where I was terrified of "what if?" What happens if/when he does pass away? Who do I call then? What do I do? We have a DNR in place for Calvin and have made the heart-wrenching decision that when he passes, we are going to let him pass and not try and keep him alive artificially. So what would I do in that moment? Call 911 and have them come and do CPR and everything in their power to save this little baby? Try and do CPR myself? Do nothing? I felt like I didn't have the resources I needed for when that time comes, and being the control freak that I am, I just needed to have something in place, and someone that I could call that will understand our wishes for him and help me through it.

So, on May 11, 2013, my 7 month old son was enrolled in hospice care. Its been a whirlwind of emotions. He's been assigned a nurse/case manager (two, actually) who comes to see him at least once a week and she has been an absolute blessing in our lives. She has literally been there for us 24/7 for the last several months, answers all my questions honestly and without judgement and cares for him more than she probably should. Calling in hospice has proven to be the best decision I have made for him. He hasn't been hospitalized since I called them in and they have allowed me as much or as little medical intervention as we've wanted for Calvin.

Generally, hospice care is for those who are expected to have a life span of 6 months or less...I cant say for sure that Calvin has that time frame on him, but he might. He continues to show signs of decline, and so hospice care continues.

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