Thursday, April 18, 2013


Welcome to our blog! I decided to start writing down the journey we have been on with my son Calvin since his birth, both for my own memory and for those of you who are interested in keeping up with us. My goal is to raise awareness and knowledge of the super rare syndrome he has been diagnosed with and hopefully help find some solace for us with the support we have been blessed with.

I'm pretty far behind in writing down his story right now (he is currently 6 months old) but I will try and catch up slowly but surely. I'm sure this will be an emotional journey for me, so bear with me. There may be some gaps, due to the fact that some of what we've gone through is a blur and I'm not 100% positive how we made it through this far.

1 comment:

  1. (((hugs!!)) Hi! We're right here for you on this journey and will share as much of it with you as we possibly can.

    I'm glad you started this blog. Love you always <3
